The show by Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro, written and directed by Ribamar Ribeiro, brings Brazilian popular culture to the fore in this production. The director immersed himself in the universe of popular theater, medieval farces and Brazilian festivals to tell the traditional story of Catirina and the language of the ox. In this universe, Ribamar Ribeiro also researched the popular tales of Câmara Cascudo, creating his own contemporary universe in staging. The objective of this new show, which is the tenth in the repertoire of Companhia Os Ciclomáticos, is to enchant children and adults through popular stories and thus re-dimensioning this popular context in a universal way.
The story revolves around a rich farmer who has a very beautiful ox. Pai Chico, farm worker, to satisfy his wife Catirina, who is pregnant and wants to eat the ox's tongue. Pai Chico brings the ox's tongue and the confusion is formed. And in addition to the story of the ox, the plot also features short stories by the folklorist Câmara Cascudo.
Carla Meirelles - Narrator / Old Woman / Cazumbá
Getulio Nascimento - Pai Francisco / Narrator
Juliana Santos - Narrator / Nurse / Nun / Old Woman
Julio Cesar Ferreira - Narrator / Doctor / Priest / Core
Nívea Nascimento - Catirina / Old Woman / Narrator
Renato Neves - Boss / Narrator
Gender: Comédia Musical Brasileira
Duration: 50 minutes
Age rating: free
General Direction and Authorship: Ribamar Ribeiro
Costume: Andre Vital
Props: Nívea Nascimento and Carla Meirelles
Musical Preparation and Songs: Getulio Nascimento
Voice Preparation: Juliana Santos
Scenography: Ribamar Ribeiro
Lighting: Mauro Carvalho
Makeup: Getulio Nascimento
Visual programming:Nívea Nascimento
Executive production: Claudia Bueno
Photography: Danilo Sérgio / Alexandre Neves Photography
Realization: Os Ciclomáticos Theater Company